Page name: Inu gone crazy RP2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-25 19:33:40
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: . x o x o .
# of watchers: 5
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This is Inu gone crazy RP 's continuation.

"HI" Kikyo says happliy.

Natsumi walks over to inu yasha and sits on his head.

"Hey Natsumi!" Kikyo waved.

Alaina walked up and waved.



Natsumi ignores them all, she gets off his head after farting on it then runs and dives into the water making only the slightest rippling.

Rin comes over to everyone.

Alaina ran over to Rin. "Hi,Rin! Wow,where have you been?"

Inu-yasha took out a hose and turned it on, on his head.

Natsumi floats facedown to the surface of the pond.

Kikyo walks over to the pond. "What happened here?" 

Naraku walks over to Kikyo. "Hey...why is everyone ..acting so wierd?" Naraku raises his left eyebrow.

Alaina stared at Naraku. ".................."

Naraku stared back at Alaina. "What do i have something n my face? MAKE UP!" Suddenly five make up crew members come and hit Narakus face with a pink poof ball.

Kikyo takes a stick and pokes Natsumi.

Shippo stuck his head around a corner. "Is it safe?" He whispered.

Natsumi becomes giant and sits on every one then shrinks and looks around very confused "huh? who's that!!"

"O.O Me?" Shippo asked after being squashed.

"AAAAAHHHHH evil minature Kitsune!!!"Natsumi runs in circls waving her hands above her head wildly.

"I'm a fox demon!" Shippo yelled with a squeak.

Natsumi doesn't hear you because of her screaming!

"I think I'm the only sane one here..." Shippo muttered to himself sadly.

"HI SHIPPO! HI NATSUMI!" Kikyo skips childishly by them.

Shippo raised an eyebrow at Kikyo. "I think I'm right..."

Natsumi stop yelling and running to wave at Kikyo"Hi Kikyo!AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH evil minature kitsune!!!"she starts running and screaming again.

"eh?" Kikyo tilts her head and then looks over at Shippo. "O MY KITSUNE PILLOW!" Kikyo runs over and glomps Shippo.

Shippo tries to get out. "Er...Help!"

"I WILL SAVE YOU KIKYO"Natsumi runs over and grabs kikyo off of shippo then kicks shippo several times before running of carrying kikyo with her.

"YAY! IM FLYING!" Kikyo says while flailing her arms. Her suddent movements cause her to knock Natsumi unsteady.

Shippo laid on the ground with swirly eyes. *twitch*

"You got what was coming to you, Shippo!" Inu-yasha laughed.

Ayame sighed. "You ok Shippo?"

Kikyo attemps to fly by flapping her arms, but it does no good so she falls down in SUPPER slow mode. "Hey why didn't i hit the ground yet?" Kikyo asks herself, since it was at least 5 minuets after she begun to fall.

"Okay...who put hellium in the clothes fibers!" Inu-yasha spat. Is that possilbe...*sigh* whatever

Aliana giggled.

"YOU!" Inu-yasha pointed at Aliana.

Alaina stared. "ME!?!?!? Me what!?!?!?"

"Did you do it?" Inu-yasha cocked his head.

Kikyo stilldoesn't hit the ground. She yawns. "O"

Alaina looked at Inu bleakly. "No,I was giggling 'cause Kikyo looks funny..."

"Oooooooooh!" Inu-yasha nodded.

Alaina said nothing. "......"

"OW! Who is laying on me!!"Says Natsumi angrily.

Naraku rushes over to Kikyo and picks her up. "You have a habit of falling in slow-motion....."

Kikyo makes a face like this- O.O?

Alaina is like this-X.X

"ummm..." Inu-yasha growled

"Hey cutie!!"Natsumi winks at Naraku then jumps up and hits inu yasha on the head"Ha take this you mangy half demon!!!!Nya Nya you can't get me!!!" then she start running away from inu yasha.

Inu-yasha twitched for a moment. "WHY YOU!!!" He lept after her. What set this off...><;;;

Natsumi runs laughing all the while "nya nya your to slow!!!betcha even Naraku couldn't catch me and hes all demon!!tee hee hee"She jumps from tree to tree now.

"NO HE'S NOT! HE'S JUST A FULL DEMON WANNA BE!!!" Inu-yasha snapped.

"hee hee hee looks like I upset the poor little doggy!!Wait!!!"Natsumi jumps in front a inu yahs a all of a sudden.

"IM NOT UPSET!!!" Inu-yasha clutched his fork/sword thing.

"hold on!"Natsumi grabs his arm holding the fork and with the other hand grabs his hair.

"WHAT!?" He groweled.

"eeeeeewwwwwww!!!!!" she grabs a little flee looking thing out of inu yasha's hair"aaahhhhh its a flee!!!!" she squashes it in her fist then open it up and looks at it "I wonder if I can eat it!!"

"O.O Thats Myoga!" Inu-yasha snapped. "What the heck is he doing here!?"

"can I eat it??"asks Natsumi as she sniffs the flat body.

Alaina ran and shouted. "MYOGA'S HERE!?!?!?!?" O_O

"Who!!??"Natsumi looks around bewildered for this myoga"who where!!??"

Myoga pops into normal and jumps over to inu yasha and starts to suck his blood "Ah lord inu yasha good to see you again" he says in his annoying voice.

Naraku sighs in a ticked off manner and sits down to enjoy the show.

Kikyo walks over to Inuyasha and Natsumi. "EW INUYASHA HAS LICE!"

Alaina laughed at Kikyo's remark. "No,he's a flea..."

"can I eat him or not!!"says Natsumi getting a whine in her voice "I'm hungry!!"

"No you can not eat me Lord inu yasha how has your training been going?"says myoga

Alaina looked at Myoga. "Hey,there Myoga...been stickin' around with Totosai where it's safe all the time?"

"dear girl I don't know who you are but I can asure you I have not been with that crazy old timer!"Myoga clearly states.

"hey inu yasha why he call you lord??"Natsumi says very confused.

Alaina grabbed Myoga and squeezed him. "You dont remember quaint... ............DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" Stomping on Myoga.

"Forgive me lady Alaina I did not recognize you." Myoga says being squished

"hahahahahahahahahahahaha me help too!!" shouts Natsumi and she starts to beat up myoga too.

"Hold up,Natsumi." She picked up Myoga. "Now,what if my father said that you forgot me?"

"aaawww! I was just having fun!!"natsumi whines some more then her stomach growls really loud.

"huh?" says Myoga confused and dased from being beaten.

"Answer or not,flea!" Alaina shouted at him to clear his head.

"Don't eat Myoga..." Inu-yasha finally says after ignoring them all before. He looked down at the flea. "Trainings been well..." If only he knew that the sword is now a fork...STUPID PROP PEOPLE!

Naraku looks over at Inuyasha. "Hey are we still rolling?" NAraku looks at the camras. And then pulls out a barbie coloring book and a purple crayon and begins to color a person in. "YES! I got in the lines! YES!"

Kikyo takes a yellow crayon and walks over to Inuyasha. "Hey Inu-washa! I got a present for you!" She says chidlishly while hiding the yellow crayon behinde her.

"Umm...okay..."Inu-yasha eyed her.

Kikyo takes the yellow crayon and shoves it into Inuyasha's mouth. "Ain't it yummy?" Kikyo smiles and hugs him. "Hey whats your girlfriends name? Shes a neko demon right? right? right??"

"Whath th'! Whym a croyam," he said with his mouth full of crayon. He pulled it out. "Why do you care?"

"Master inu yasha!!" Myoga jumps onto the neckless around inu yasha neck and hides from Lady alaina"ahem have you defeated Naraku? wait is the camera roling?"he says pearing first at inu yasha then the cameras.

"Hey I want Food!!!" yells Natsumi>

Kikyo runs over to Naraku''s crayon box and steals a red one. Then she runs over to Natsumi and shoves it into her mouth.

Naraku stands up and walks over to Inuyasha and Myoga. "I,Naraku, am right here...." NAraku says yawning.

Kikyo runs back over to Inuyasha and yells "TELL ME HER NAME!" Kikyo shakes him. "Or i'll...Or i'll..." Kikyo digs into her pocket. She grabs the shikon jewel. "OR I'LL EAT THIS!"

Naraku looks over at the jewel and says in a wierd voice "My pericous!"

Kikyo sticks her tongue out at Inuyasha.

"me first!!"Natsumi runs over and grabs the jewel stuffing it inot her mouth whole then swallowing :"mmmm.. that was yummy I want more!" she walks over to the crayon box and eats all of the crayons.

"NNNOOOO lord inu yasha stop her!!"yells Myoga.

Rin runs real fast and takels Inuyasha giving him a big hug. "I love you INuyasha, soooooooo much more than Sesshoumaru! YOU HAVE CUTE DOGGIE EARS!"

"WAHHH!"Inu-yasha roared. He blush at Rin's remark, but he looked at Natsumi. "WHY DID YOU EAT THAT!!!!" He growled. "YOU CAN'T JUST EAT IT!*sigh* PROPS!!!" Props people come out with a new jewel. "There. Happy Myoga?"

"lord inu yasha that wasn't a prop..."says myoga with a sweatdrop.

"Everythings a prop." Inu-yasha said while poking a plastic tree.

"everything else maybe but that was actually the real thing!"says myoga as he jumps onto Natsumi and tries to look into her mouth as she eats the crayons.

Alaina sneaked around behind Inu-Yasha and grabbed Myoga. "Hello...." She said fakily sweetly.

Kikyo grabed into her pocket and took out another jewel. "I know ain't this things delish? hahaha- shikon jewels- still legal in all 50 states." Kikyo then rtuns over and hugs everyone.

"Umm...hello (?)" Inu-yasha began to slink away from Alaina.

"AAAAIIIIYYYYYAAAAAA!!Another tasty bubble!!"Natsumi runs over and gobbles the one kikyo has.

Kikyo eats it before Natsumi can get to it.


Alaina is currently sitting back and enjoying the whole show lauging her head off.

Inu-yasha found himself a tree and jumped up in it.

Kikyo fives Natsumi 12 shikons jewels. then she walks over to where Inu-yasha is. "Hey Inu-yasha...."

Myoga jumps to Alaina and sucks her blood from her neck"my you are very sweet."he says then sucks some more.

Inu-yasha looked down. "Oh! Hi Kikyo!"

"Inu-yasha.....EVERYBODY HATES ME" Kikyo sits down and rocks back and forth in chibi form.

Alaina yells to Inu-Yasha. "Not everybody!!! Not me!!!"

"I-I-I dont hate you!" Inu-yasha jumped from the tree.

Natsumi falls off of inu yashas head and lands in front of kikyo then wakes up. she sees her crying and hugs her"your my friend okay!?"

Kikyo smiles and then sings "The birds and the bees-oops sorry wrong anime."

Inu-yasha laughed. "You've watched one too many Fruits Basket."

"F-fruits b-baskets w-whats that?" Kikyo says with a sweat bubble forming on her head. "I don't like Shigure....!" Kikyo blushes.

Alaina is confuzzled. O_O?

Miroku appears from behind a tree and he doesnt have his costume on, "is the camera on?" sees the red light, "OH SH** ~BEEP~" he runs away and gets into costume and runs behind the camera lady, coming out with a large red handprint on his cheek. "wow, she's as bad as Sango."

"Hi Miroku! Do you want a jewely thingy?" Kikyo says smiling.

"ummmmmmm not right now..." miroku inches away, scared by her hyperness, "oh yeah, and inu... nice fork."

"hahahahahaha"Natsumi runs over and pokes Miroku in the head "who are you!"poke poke poke "do you have food?"Natsumi starts to sniff his clothes.

Kikyo walks over to a chair and sits on it and takes a nap "-_-zZzZzZzZzZz"

Miroku smiles, "My name is Miroku... and if you call me a priest i'll kill you!!!!I don't have food... or any money... or... nevermind," Miroku starts to walk away and yells, "OH SANGO!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! *~sigh~* i bet she's still in the dressing room with that guy... *~sigh~* of all the guys in the world she cooses him over me..." he starts to cry, "OH CREUL WORLD THOU HAST ROBBED ME OF ALL I TREASURE!!!!!!!"

"OH SHUT UP YOU PERVERTED MONK!" Inu-yasha snapped as he bonked hime with the hilt of the fork. Do forks have hilts?

Kikyo watches as Inuyasha hits Miroku. "Hey Inuyasha?" she asks.

"Yes?" He cocked his head.

"WHY DOES EVERYBODY HATE ME" Kikyo pouts runs into a wall.

Natsumi looks at the monk really funny then starts to pet his head. "you're funny!!Why did you shout? can I eat this?"she holds up a rock.

"Everyone doesn't hate you," Inu-yasha said tp Kikyo as he walked over to Natsumi. He didn't wait for Miroku to answer the girl and he prompty shoved the rock in her mouth. 

"um... yea you can eat it... but i guess you already did huh?" miroku answers her too late. "ummmm... hey kikyo... do you like cheeze?"

"YOU LIKE CHEESE TWO!" Kikyo's eyes turn into puppy dog eyes. She goes over and hugs Miroku.

"My eyes! THEY BURN!" Inu-yasha joked.

"Burn?Burn? BURN? AH FIRE WHERE?" Kikyo shudders.

"You don't get it..." Inu-yasha trailed off.

Kikyo smiles devilishly. "O I SEE!" Kikyo stomps over to Inuyasha and hugs him.

"Eh?!" he jumped.

"are you tickilish?" asks Natsumi after eating the rock and petting Maroku's head. she then yells and jumps on inu yasha's head"BUG!!!!!!!!SQUASH IT!!!!"

"Will all of you get off of me!?" Inu-yasha sanpped as he pushed Kikyo away and took Natsumi off of his head.

The little beetle type bug on the ground stood up to be about 50 feet tall. It started to charge at inu yasha.

Natsumi wouldn't let go of inu yasha's arm"SQUISH IT SQUISH IT!!!!!EEEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!!" she screams clutching inu yasha's arm so the circulation is cut off.

Inu-yasha looked at Natsumi. "You're gonna make my arm fall off." He realized that she would not release him until he had conqoured the insect. He held out his fork and the stupid bug ran into it. There was a loud POP and the bug deflated. "There. Now get off!"

Kikyo watched as Inuyasha forked the bug. Kikyo skipped over to NAraku. "I dare you to eat the bug!"

Naraku sighed and ran into his dressing room.

Kikyo ran after him"Watcha doin?"

"inu yasha? Why is your arm blue??"Natsumi asks poking it repeatedly.

Miroku is too shocked that anyone would hug him due to his reputation and doesn't speak.

Kikyo runs over to Miroku and steals his staff. She sits in a corner and bites it.

Natsumi stops poking inu yasha arm and walks over to Miroku"hello...Do you have a mate?"she says eyeing him up and down.

Kikyo contiunes to nibble on the staff. "HEym Mirookuu youw dowd't wind wif youw stafw haws biwte mawkes wight?( Hey, Miroku you don't mind if your staff has bite marks right?)" she asks him while biting.

"ummmm... no, i dont have a mate (why would you even ask), and no, i dont really mind..... sango likes the taste of it too... thats the bite marks at the bottom"

Natsumi8 gives Miroku a really soft hug."I like you." then she gets up and walks away crying.

"AW! Natsumi likes Miroku, Ayame likes Koga, SHippo RIn..Inuyasha likes his neko..." Kikyo puts her head down. "Like i said...NObody likes me..." Kikyo sits down.

Natsumi walks over to a small stream and just sits there crying quitly.

Kikyo gets up and walks over to Natsumi. "Hey, are you OK?" Kikyo sits down by her. "Is there anything i can do?"

"No I am remembering my grandpa. He died so no there is nothing you can do to help." says Natsumi sniffling and looking at the fish in the stream.

Alaina unnoticabley until now stands a fair distance from Miroku looking like this-o.o stay away from me,stay away from me,stay away from me...

Natsumi runs over to Alaina and grabs her wrist then runs and jumps into the water "hee hee hee now your all washed up!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Inu gone crazy RP3

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2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: LOL!!!!!!!!!! ^^

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: hee hee heeI'm a fleee!!!!!wwwweeeeeeee!!!

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: POST POST!!!Myoga demands!

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: LOL!!!!!!!!

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: Now what?

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: um I don't knoiw where did everyone else go?

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: *shrugs* Dont ask me. Myoga knows me. My father was a very famous Demon,in leagus with Inu-Yasha's father!!!!!!

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: really? well he says hes sorry he didntna recognize you. hee hee hee

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: Just do it I love to improvise.

2004-05-19 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: lol

2004-05-19 [Lady Alaina]: LOL!!!!!!!!

2004-05-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol

2004-05-20 [. x o x o .]: hi

2004-05-20 [Nuktae-tal]: she ate it!!!!

2004-05-20 [. x o x o .]: LOL

2004-05-20 [Lady Alaina]: ???????? .....................Nvm...........

2004-05-20 [Nuktae-tal]: too slow Myoga islooking into Natsumi's mouth

2004-05-20 [Lady Alaina]: What!?!?!?!? ....HE'S DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-20 [Nuktae-tal]: no!!

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